Free Baby and Toddler Food Recipes

Since Gab was six months old, we started introducing him to solid foods.  Prior to that, Gab was exclusively breast fed.  Our pedia gave us tips on what food to give.  Which solid food to start first then gradually introduce more variety.  But after a few months, we would ran out of ideas.

Here are some useful baby food recipes which were helpful in adding new things on the menu.  Although we started using combinations at around 9 months.  Tips are also given and very useful.

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Gab and the Disposable Diaper vs Reusable Diaper War

Disposable diapers shoots up our grocery bills. Not to mention, they are not environmentally friendly since they fill up a lot of landfill space and degrades very slowly.  So we recently ordered reusable cloth diapers.  But other say these are not environment-friendly as well.  Oh…

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Teaching Baby Gab to Pray

I can still remember the time when my mother taught me my first prayer. She called me and my sister one evening before we went to sleep. She asked us to recite after her a simple prayer and told us to keep doing this every night. That simple prayer of just about 5 sentences eventually evolve to a longer one today. But the way I start and end the prayer is still the same.

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Happiest Baby on the Block DVD Review

During Gab’s second week at home, we were quite worried about Gab crying too often. At first he was ok and every calm, but suddenly, he had burst of strong cries despite being fed. And these were usually at night when we are tired and would love to get a goodnight rest.  Unfortunately, Gab wakes us up with his cry almost every hour.  It is a sign of colic.  We got worried and went to our pedia at St. Luke’s BGC for a check up.

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