Why I Hate Number 20

It was a delight when Gab started to recognize numbers. He can identify the numerals 0 to 9 and eventually able to count from 1 to 10.  We let him read numbers almost everyday thus he is able to master them at an early age.  I should be happy but things changed when he learned how to count up to 20.

Number 20 is a very tiring number. I only realized it lately.

Gab learned to count up to the number 20 after watching several Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes on counting. And when he learned there are numbers beyond ten, he just kept on counting and counting.

Number 20

When we walk outside, Gab likes to count the number of flowers on the street from 1 to 20.  When he sees leaves, he counts them from 1 to 20. When he sees his toys, he lines them up and count them from 1 to 20. When he sees his books, he counts them from 1 to 20.

Number 20 is tiresome

Playtime with daddy is turning to be a workout.

“Daddy, carry Gab like a pogo stick.”

That means, I’ll carry him up starting from a small jump. Then I’d raise him higher and higher until he reaches the ceiling. Gab loves the thrill and would laugh and giggle as he goes higher and higher.

So here we go. We’d count 1… 2… 3…

By the time Gab and I counted 3, Gab was already high and making those giggles. I’d stop raising him.  He is now very heavy and my arms are getting tired from carrying him.

“More pa, Daddy.”

4… 5… 6… and 10.  My arms are tired already so I tired skipping a few numbers.

“No, Daddy.  Seven Eight Nine pa.”

Ooops.  He does know his numbers.  7… 8… 9… and 10!

My arms hurt.  It’s like lifting 10kg weights in the gym.  By this time, Gab has his smile up to his ears and giggles loudly.  But he’s not done yet.

“Up to 20 pa…”  Gab would beg.

You can resist Gab’s request. With heavy arms and heavy heart, I would continue raising him up like a pogo stick for another 10 counts.

And still counting

There have been other number 20 requests.

His bath time is not complete if he doesn’t splash the water on his tub 20 times.

He insisted that there are 20 Minion toys from the McDonald’s Happy Meal.  I only bought seven toys and he’d ask where the rest of the Minions are after counting only seven of them.


While the number 20 had bad implications for Daddy, there are definitely more benefits to it.  It’s a big milestone for Gab.

Should we start counting up to one hundred?

Quennie and I decided to delay that skill.  Number 20 is enough for now.


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