Love Food, Hate Waste When at the Grocery

Going to a grocery isle is like getting inside a toy store where I just wish I can grab anything that can fit on the shopping cart. But that is disastrous to my budget and not practical at all.

The grocery tops my list of monthly expenses. It is therefore important that I maximize whatever I buy at the grocery. I make sure nothing is wasted, most especially when it comes to food. The Environment Protection Agency estimates that Americans generate roughly 30 million tons of food waste each year. That is a lot of waste!

Here are some tips in making sure the food bought goes to nourish the family and not to the trash bin.

1. Plan ahead with a grocery list. A grocery list makes sure that you stick to the budget and leave the non-essentials behind. It also means not forgetting an ingredient for the dishes. If you miss even just one item, it adds up to a waste of time and money for going back to the store.

Grocery - Sale Items

2. Check your fridge and shelves. After making the grocery list, be sure to check your stocks if you still have the item in house. If you still do, remove it from your grocery list to avoid overstocking.

3. Look for the expiry date. Make it a habit to check for expiry dates. Buy the newest stock that expires at a later date. And plan meals around the products that expires first. It’s good for your health and good for your pocket.

4. Buy the right amount. Buy in bulk or bigger packages doesn’t always mean you are saving. Sometimes, they are too much that they end up in the trash. If the recipe says, 2 pieces of carrots then buy exactly that.

Grocery - Fruit Section

5. Choose Frozen, Canned or Dried. If you won’t be needing them right away, it is better to buy vegetables or fruits that are frozen, canned or dried. They last longer and can be less expensive than fresh.

Grocery - Dried Fruits

6. Ask to pack poultry and meat in portions. Buying poultry and meat in bulk can be a good idea since you can simply freeze the extra portion to make it last longer. But ask the butcher or sales person to pack them to your desired portions. This saves you time from thawing them whole and refreezing those that you don’t need.

Grocery - MEat Section

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