Love: A Heavenly Definition

Pastor Randy Skeete gave a sermon about Love during our annual Christian Couples Circle retreat.

The Love that is portrayed in the movies, soap operas, books, songs and other medium is totally different from the Love that was designed and “Made in Heaven”. Love should be offer-centered, just as Christ offered himself to us.

Here are three main points from the sermon that I wish to share. I hope it enlightens you as much as it has enlightened me.

John 3:16 – Love is giving the best and everything you have to your spouse.

A powerful verse about how God loves us sets an example on how we are to love our spouse: Love Gives! And we should give the best that we can and everything that we have. Love does not hold back.

John 15:12 – Love is a command.

The verse is simple: God commands us to love one another as He had loved us. Love, therefore, is a command. Love is not a feeling. This means that we should Love regardless of what we feel. We are to love our spouses even if we feel angry, sad, or hurt.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 – Love is the Greatest

This chapter is famous for verses 4-7. Love is patient, Love is kind… and so forth. But the first three chapters gives us another important message. Paul says that without Love everything else is meaningless. We can be living with our spouse in a beautiful house, go to dinner dates, travel to exotic places, but if it was done without Love, it is for nothing. In everything, Love is the context.

Finally, these verses mean that You don’t Love a person for what the person can do for you. Instead, Love by giving yourself for the benefit of others.