PSEI Stock Trading in 2019

I am back at being active with stock trading at the Philippine Stock Exchange. I have a trading acccount for more than 5 years and I made several hits and misses.

I have big regrets with the misses. In 2017, my portfolio was doing very well. However, I missed to sell them when the stock market went bottom early in 2018. So I was back to zero earnings when 2019 started.

This year, I decided to be more active in the stock market.

I am reading 2 good books for beginners. One is about short term trading and the other is about day trading.

So far, I think I know how to pick good stocks. My biggest weakness is how to make a profit before the stock crashes down.

The two books provided me with new tricks. I made new mistakes also. But those are just helping me learn how to trade better.

The rewards these past weeks have been very small. I hate to admit that what I am earning in the stock market is too small for the amount of time I am spending on it.

I wonder how others manage to earn several thousands in just one day.

Small wins, says the author. If done regularly, it will sum up to something big.