Back At Negative One

I just had my fitness assessment at the gym. I was not happy.

Most of the metrics were within the normal range. A few were out of range but they were near the borderline.

What made me sad was when I compared it with my fitness assessment last May 2018 when I first signed up for a gym membership.

My May 2018 numbers were better than the latest assessment. I had lower body fat. I had more muscle mass. I had a lower BMI. At first glance it means that I was better off before signing up at the gym than after 7 months of going to the gym. I just took two steps backward.

My body weight was lower though. My goal last year was to lose weight and the gym did help. I weighed 76 kilos last January 2018 but I am now around 73 kilos.

This year, the goal is to be more consistent. I blame my food trip in Bacolod last December for the increase in body fat and BMI. I lost control with all those food I ate in Bacolod. It was one party after another. It happens once a year so I felt I should make the most of it.

So it’s back at negative one. This year will be my fittest year ever. I just need to figure out how to resist Bacolod again on December.