Spotify Free vs Premium

I have been using Spotify. I love the selection of playlists where similar songs are being played one after the other.  I can select a playlist by Mood, by Artists, by Genre and even by Year.

But I have been using the Free option until now. I still don’t find the need to upgrade to a Premium account.

The big difference between the Free and the Premium is the presence of ads. Spotify would interrupt with its own ads or from an ad from a brand.

It does get annoying. It can be frustrating too.

But I grew up listening to radio stations where ads are part of the program. The ads can sometimes be longer than the songs itself.  The songs are not even to my liking. I have to be patient to hear a really good song. Or I can move the tuning several times.

So a few ads from Spotify doesn’t bother me. I am used to that. Choosing a playlist is already a treat. It feels like a premium service. I am not asking for more. That is why I keep them free.

There are many Products and Apps that offer premium service for a fee. But if I still find reasons to believe that the best things in life are those things that are Free.